death note

A manga series written by Ooba Tsugumi and illustrated by Obata Takeshi and published on Weekly Shounen Jump on 2003.

Yagami Light is a brilliant young man who one day finds a black notebook with which he can instantly kill anyone by writing their names on it called a "Death Note"- in his case, criminals and anyone who gets in his way - which ultimately led him to a psychological cat-and-mouse chase involving the Interpol and the enigmatic detective L.

Better known for spawning the memes 'Just as Planned', 'God of the New World' and 'I am L', among others.

由大叶鸫原作、小畑刚负责插画的漫画系列,于 2003 年在《周刊少年 Jump》上发表。

八神光是一位才华横溢的年轻人,有一天,他发现了一本黑色笔记本,他可以用它在上面写下任何人的名字,即刻杀死任何人,这被称为“死亡笔记”——对他来说,就是罪犯和任何妨碍他的人——这最终导致了他的死亡。他陷入了一场心理上的猫捉老鼠的追逐之中,国际刑警组织和神秘的侦探 L.

因催生“正如计划”、“新世界之神”和“我是 L”等模因而闻名。
类型 作品
英文名 death note
日文名 デスノート
别名 ;デスノート;DEATHNOTE