mitsugashira enoko

Cerberus of Forested Silence

First appeared in Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost as a boss and playable character.

Enoko is an immortal yamainu with dog ears and three tails. Her hair comes in two tones, purple and white/light grey. Notably, she has two bear traps, one on each arm, which opens and closes depending on her hand movements.

Enoko works for the Keiga Family as part of their operations to take over the surface world. In reality, as with Son Biten and Tenkajin Chiyari, she is a spy whose true allegiance lies with Nippaku Zanmu. She was tasked with sabotaging the Keiga Family's invasion plans from within by playing them for time as part of Zanmu's gambit to prevent a surface war.

At some time in the past, prior to her acquiring a humanoid form, Enoko saw a young Kirisame Marisa when she first ran away from home into the Forest of Magic.


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首次出现于《东方 19:众鬼未完成的梦想》中,作为 Boss 和可玩角色。


榎子为 Keiga 家族工作,是他们接管地表世界行动的一部分。 事实上,她与孙飞天和天华人千矢里一样,都是一名真正效忠于日白残武的间谍。她的任务是从内部破坏 Keiga 家族的入侵计划,作为 Zanmu 阻止地表战争策略的一部分,玩弄这些计划一段时间。

类型 角色
英文名 mitsugashira enoko
日文名 三頭慧ノ子
别名 ;三頭慧ノ子;三头慧之子;미츠가시라에노코