oshino ougi

Character from the Monogatari Series, first seen in Kabukimonogatari but mostly unimportant until Owarimonogatari. Ougi has extremely pale skin and large black eyes. Has a habit of wearing a shirt with very long sleeves.

Ougi is actually a gender-bending oddity created unconsciously by Araragi Koyomi.

物语系列中的角色,首次出现在歌舞伎物语中,但在尾张物语之前几乎不重要。 Ougi有着极其苍白的皮肤和黑色的大眼睛。有穿长袖衬衫的习惯。
类型 角色
英文名 oshino ougi
日文名 忍野扇
别名 oshino ougi;忍野扇