virtual youtuber

A Virtual YouTuber, sometimes called VTuber, is a content creator and personality that utilizes a 3D or 2D digital avatar for online videos and/or livestreaming, often assuming a character as well. Despite the brand name, content is not limited to YouTube.

The term was first popularized by Kizuna Ai, who called herself "the world's first virtual YouTuber". Many others followed suit, and the explosion in popularity of the practice lead the term to be used even outside of YouTube, though variations on the term have been introduced as to diminish the use of the brand name, including "VTuber", "Virtual Singer"/"VSinger" (for those that exclusively do music, not be confused with Vocaloid China), and "Virtual Liver"/"VLiver" (specifically referring to virtual streamers) or "Virtual Streamer"/"VStreamer" (due to the former term reminding folks of the organ in English). In Chinese, the term "Virtual Uploader"/"VUP" is used more commonly alongside "VTuber", after being first coined by Xiao Xi on Bilibili.

This tag should apply to not only virtual YouTubers themselves, but also to parodies of virtual YouTubers, references to them, fictitious virtual YouTubers, fake virtual YouTubers, and concept art that ultimately isn't used (for the latter three, original should be used). While tagging mascots and staff with the tag is fine, family members and friends of VTubers don't apply, unless they too are VTubers, nor do things merely associated with VTubers.


External Links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: vtuber (learn more).

虚拟 YouTuber,有时称为 VTuber,是利用 3D 或 2D 数字化身进行在线视频和/或直播的内容创建者和人物,通常也扮演角色。尽管有这个品牌名称,但内容并不局限于 YouTube。

这个术语首先由绊爱 (Kizuna Ai) 普及,她称自己为“世界上第一个虚拟 YouTuber”。许多其他人也纷纷效仿,这种做法的流行导致该术语甚至在 YouTube 之外也被使用,尽管该术语的变体已被引入以减少该品牌名称的使用,包括“VTuber”、“Virtual Singer” “/”VSinger”(专门做音乐的人,不要与 Vocaloid China 混淆),以及“Virtual Liver”/“VLiver”(特指虚拟主播)或“Virtual Streamer”/“VStreamer”(由于前一个术语让人们想起英语中的管风琴)。在中文中,“虚拟上传者”/“VUP”一词更常与“VTuber”一起使用,由小西在 Bilibili 上首次创造。

此标签不仅适用于虚拟 YouTuber 本身,还应适用于虚拟 YouTuber 的模仿、对虚拟 YouTuber 的引用、虚构的虚拟 YouTuber、假虚拟 YouTuber 以及最终未使用的概念艺术(对于后三者,应使用原创) )。虽然用标签标记吉祥物和工作人员是可以的,但 VTuber 的家人和朋友不适用,除非他们也是 VTuber,也不适用仅与 VTuber 相关的事情。
类型 其他
英文名 virtual youtuber
日文名 バーチャルyoutuber
别名 虚拟主播;虚拟Youtuber;バーチャルユーチューバー;バーチャルYouTuber;Vtuber;Vチューバー;バーチャルシンガー;バーチャルSinger;バーチャルライバー;VLiver;Vライバー;バーチャルストリーマー;VStreamer;虚拟主播;虛擬主播;虚拟YouTuber;虛擬YouTuber;虚拟UP主;虛擬UP主;VUP;香港vtuber;hkvtuber;台灣vtuber;버츄얼유튜버;버츄얼YouTuber;버튜버;버츄버;버츄얼;KRVTuber;KR_VTuber;Vtuber準備中;新人Vtuber;新人Vチューバー;Vtuberはじめました;おはようVtuber;vtb;VTuver;新人Vtuver;VirtualYouTuber;ENVtuber;VtuberID;PHVtuber;VtuberES;VTuberFR;VTubers;vtuberfanart;vtuberart;vtuber_fanart;vSinger;virtualsinger;virtual_singer